Gray Taxidermy - Continuing to perfect the Art of Mounting Fish

Friday, September 9, 2011

Gray Taxidermy created a Museum Quality 85" Tarpon Trophy

I want to take some time this morning to let all of you know at Gray Taxidermy how pleased I am, not only by my 85", 175 lb. Tarpon Trophy, but by your customer service department as well. From the artist to the salesman to the shipping company and the person who crated the mount, I was treated with the utmost respect and courtesy, treated, in fact, as if I were your only customer. And though I shopped pricing on this trophy with other taxidermy companies, and could have gotten the mount cheaper, I am glad that I did not go the cheaper route. Indeed, my friend, who also caught a trophy tarpon that day, allowed his taxidermy to be done by a Gray competitor, hoping to save some money. I saw his tarpon yesterday, and he saw mine, and we both agreed that a certainly person gets what he pays for. This is to say that if you select a "factory" taxidermist, you will get "factory" quality work. My trophy is realistic, life-like, colored to perfection, and could be hung in a museum; my friend's tarpon is more suited for the wall of a cheap inland seafood restaurant; the "factory"' tarpon has little coloring, no gills, and looks nothing like what he actually caught, while my tarpon looks just like it did when I pulled it from the water.

I am not new to taxidermy; in fact, I have a dedicated trophy room with over 50 fish and animals, and the tarpon is the center of attention when anyone enters the room, almost overshadowing a a full-mount standing brown bear... So, when I catch another trophy, even if it's a goliath tigerfish or a nile perch when I'm in Africa this October, it won't go to the nearest taxidermist some local recommends to me - it will go to Gray Taxidermy.

At any rate, I just wanted to share my thoughts with you on how pleased I am with your work and customer service. As I said, a person gets what he pays for, and you are more than welcome to share my sentiments on your website or with anyone who questions the price of museum quality taxidermy.


The Honorable A. Henderson Scott, Commissioner

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